abundabiliteez ​Productions

A gateway for artists living with disability

Creating space for a more diverse & compassionate world.

welcome to ​Abundabiliteez ​productions!

We are delighted to welcome you to our new artistic ​community where we are free to explore our ​abundance of abilities, build meaningful friendships ​and connections, gain professional training, job ​pathways and share our unique experiences through ​film, music, theatre, art & story telling.

Our mission is to platform and empower artists living ​with a disability. To feel a sense of belonging, to have a ​creative outlet, and continue to shine a light to the ​world - that having a disability doesn’t define who we ​are or limit what we can achieve in our lives.

showcasing our unqiue stories and ​creating real-life oportunties.

Silhouette images of video production behind the scenes
Group of People Sitting on Chair on Stage

Fi​lm & Television

We want to provide our artists ​with unique opportunities to showcase t​heir stories, ideas and talents in a pro​fessional & nurturing film & TV e​nvironment, providing real-life pathwa​ys int​o the industry.


Creating professional theatrical​ experiences both on stage and backstage​ for our artists to learn all aspects of​ theatre production at a professional level​ from acting to writing, directing, stage​ management, lighting, sound, costume &​ makeup artistry.​

dance, m​usic & art

Creating opportunities & platforms ​for our artists to express their stories ​through their own very unique ​artistic voices, with profession​al industry collaborations and m​entoring.

Passionate about changing the ​way people see disability.

Hollie Andrew

Founder & Operations ​Director

Matt Tripney

Creative Secretary & Artist

Emma Barry

Creative President & Artist

Ellyn Mitchell

Creative Vice President & Artist

Make a difference

Abundabiliteez Productions

Burleigh Heads, Queensland